By Anne Ferguson

Spiritual Works

Comfort those in sorrow

Be someone to lean on in times of hurt and sadness.

Counsel the doubtful

Be a good listener and let others know how good they are.

Instruct the ignorant

Share your advice and experience, gently.

Warn the sinner

Challenge things you know are wrong and let others know there are better choices.

Forgive all injuries

Don’t carry a grudge, and go easy on yourself.

Bear wrongs patiently

Give others and yourself the room to make mistakes.

Pray for the living and the dead

When you talk to God, don’t be selfish- include the whole human family in your prayer.

Corporal Works

Feed the hungry

Share what you have with those who need it, down the street or around the world.

Give drink to the thirsty

Share your joy and hope with those whose lives are dry and lonely.

Clothe the naked

Stand up for those who are most weak and vulnerable.

Shelter the homeless

Reach out to the unloved and the unpopular; make everyone welcome in your heart, and practise hospitality.

Visit those in prison

Help prisoners and those confined by fear, sadness or illness.

Visit the sick

Be there for people who need you.

Bury the dead

Remember with love and respect those who are separated by distance or death.