I show social justice when I…

When I help to raise money or donate food to St Vincent de Paul

When I own up to doing something wrong

When I say ‘sorry’ and try to make things right

When I stick up for someone at school who might be being teased

Social Justice Prayer
Te Tika

E te Atua, rapu i te tika, God, seeker of true justice: you call us to do what is right, especially for the poor and powerless. Let us to join together to work for the good of all people. May no one be overlooked or left at the margins. May we look after the Earth, and use well the gifts you have entrusted to us. Help us to be good stewards of the world you have made, in Mercy’s name. Amen.

  • How do you show social justice?
  • Have you seen other people showing social justice?
  • What did Jesus say about the value of social justice?
  • How did Jesus show social justice?
  • What way can you show the value of social justice this week?