In 1899 the Sisters opened a school at Wrey’s Bush called St Peter’s School.

In the beginning, St Peter’s School was a “church-school”. This meant that, because there was no school building, classes were held in the church. The furniture had to be arranged on Friday afternoons for Mass on Sunday and then rearranged back to a classroom on Monday morning.
A building was finally bought and turned into a school.

The Wrey’s Bush area is very large, which meant for some families it was too far for chidren to travel to school every day. It was not long before the Sisters of Mercy decided to turn the old convent into a boarding hostel for girls, and a small cottage near the school into a boarding hostel for boys.

Wreys Bush convent and boarding school.
Wreys Bush convent and boarding school.

By 1935, there were only a small number of children at St Peter’s School. So the Sisters decided to close the school, and those children were sent to school at St Patrick’s, Nightcaps.

The Nightcaps Community, 1949. From Left: Sisters Loyola, Madeleine, Patricia Vaughn, Margaret Mary, and Marirose.

In 1987 the Sisters handed over St Patrick’s, Nightcaps, school to the Josephite Sisters to continue teaching the children in the area.

The above is an abridged version of the full text. For the full text please read:
St Peter’s at Wreys Bush – Full Text.